
Posted on May 11, 2021

Filter each entry in “Validation logs” and register “Preset filters” for “Search in logs”.


The filter hook “ip-location-block-logs” makes each entry in logs to be filtered. Also “ip-location-block-logs-preset” allows to resiger preset filters for search text box.


  • $logs
    An array of validation logs that consist as follows:
  Array (
      [0 /* DB row number */] => '154',
      [1 /* Target        */] => 'comment',
      [2 /* Time          */] => '1534580897',
      [3 /* IP address    */] => '102.177.147.***',
      [4 /* Country code  */] => 'ZA',
      [5 /* Result        */] => 'blocked',
      [6 /* AS number     */] => 'AS328239',
      [7 /* Request       */] => 'POST[80]:/wp-comments-post.php',
      [8 /* User agent    */] => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_6) ...',
      [9 /* HTTP headers  */] => 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR=102.177.147.***...',
     [10 /* $_POST data   */] => 'comment=Hello.,author,email,url,comment_post_ID...',
  • $filters
    An array of preset filters that consists of title and value.

Use case

The following code snippet in drop-in-admin.php placed at the directory of Geolocation API library can add an UI to “Search in logs” corresponded to the filtered logs to make analysys of logs easy.

And here’s a sample of new UI “Preset filters”.

Preset filters at Search in logs

Note: In the above code snippet, some html entities such as ¹ are used. Not all the entities are available but some of those which are defined in ent2ncr() because all the text will be escaped by esc_html() before rendering.
