Match by GeoIP Location
Easily Whitelist or blacklist visitors by IP address country, city* and state*.
Empower your WordPress website with smart geolocation blocking tool. Blacklist or whitelist based on GeoLocation in different areas of your website like login form, wp-admin, front-end, xmlrpc.
Enhacned blocking
IP Location Block comes with own geolocation provider that features up to date GeoIP data, better precision, support and more features.
Packed with lots of features that make your life easier.
Easily Whitelist or blacklist visitors by IP address country, city* and state*.
Allow or disallow visitors that use specific ASN / Telecom Provider.
Supports CIDR matching and provides CIDR calculator.
Return custom responses or redirects on matched requests.
We developed our own native provider that is faster, precise and supports city and state level blocking.
Enforce blocking in Admin, Front-end, Comment system, XMLRPC, Login Form.
Maintains separate database of access logs and statistics of blocking where you can see different insights.
IP Addresses are always encrypted in logs/cache. It can also anonymized to prevent listing the full IP address.